A pathophysiology is the ______.
Steady of physiology of pathogen
Study of normal physiology of host
Study of altered physiology host
None of these
A pathophysiology is the study of altered physiology host.
The functional changes connected with or arising from an illness or injury, as well as the functional changes linked with a disease or condition, are referred to as pathophysiology.
Describe the steps that are followed during secondary treatment of sewage.
Answer the following question.
Explain the various steps involved in the production of artificial insulin.
Explain how recombinant Insulin can be produced.
ADA is an enzyme which is deficient in a genetic disorder SCID. What is the full form of ADA?
ELISA is based on:
Which of the following is the correct sequence of steps in a PCR (Polymerase Chain Reaction)?
With regard to insulin choose the correct options.
- C-peptide is not present in mature insulin.
- The insulin produced by rDNA technology has C-peptide.
- The pro-insulin has C-peptide.
- A-peptide and B-peptide of insulin are interconnected by disulphide bridges.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Give the full form of ELISA. Which disease can be detected using it? Discuss the principle underlying the test.
Why is it that the line of treatment for a genetic disease is different from infectious diseases?
In humans, somatic gene therapy was carried out to correct an immunodeficiency disease. Name this disease.