The trigger for activation of toxin of bacillus thuringlensis is ______.
Acidic PH of stomach
high temperature
Alkaline PH of gat
Mechanical action in the insect gat
The trigger for activation of toxin of bacillus thuringlensis is alkaline PH of gat.
Bt toxins are originally inactive protoxins, but due to the alkaline PH of the gat, which solubilizes the crystals, they become active after consumption by the insect. As a result, a high PH value is necessary to make Bt toxins active. When temperatures are high and the PH is acidic, Bt toxins remain insoluble and inactive.
How has RNAi technique helped to prevent the infestation of roots in tobacco plants by a nematode Meloidegyne incognitia?
Why do lepidopterans die when they feed on Bt cotton plant? Explain how does it happen.
Answer the following question.
How is a continuous culture system maintained in bioreactors and why?
A person deficient in the rhodopsin should be advised to take more of:
Maize grain is a fruit known as ______.
Silencing of a gene could be achieved through the use of ______.
Expand GMO. How is it different from a hybrid?
Many proteins are secreted in their inactive form. This is also true of many toxic proteins produced by microorganisms. Explain how the mechanism is useful for the organism producing the toxin?
Bt cotton is resistant to pest, such as lepidopteron, dipterans and coleopterans. Is Bt cotton also resistant to other pests as well?
What are the various advantages of using genetically modified plants to increase the overall yield of the crop?