Write notes on the characteristics of covalent compounds.
Short Note
- Physical state: Depending on the force of attraction between covalent molecules the bond may be weaker or stronger. Thus covalent compounds exist in gaseous, liquid, and solid forms. Eg. Oxygen-gas; Water-liquid: Diamond-solid.
- Electrical conductivity: Covalent compounds do not contain charged particles (ions), so they are bad conductors of electricity.
- Melting point: Except few covalent compounds (Diamond, Silicon carbide), they have relatively low melting points compared to Ionic compounds.
- Solubility: Covalent compounds are readily soluble in non-polar solvents like benzene (C6H6), and carbon tetrachloride (CCl4). They are insoluble in polar solvents like water.
- Hardness and brittleness: Covalent compounds are neither hard nor brittle. But they are soft and waxy.
- Reactions: Covalent compounds undergo molecular reactions in solutions and these reactions are slow.
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