The extinction of passenger pigeon was due to ______.
Increased number of predatory birds.
Over exploitation by humans
Non- availability of the food
Bird flu virus infection
The extinction of passenger pigeon was due to over exploitation by humans.
Dodo bird, stellar sea cow and passenger pigeon are few examples of extinction due to ______.
What are the major factors that are responsible for the loss of biodiversity? What steps are needed to prevent them?
Which among the following forests is known as the "lungs of the planet earth"?
Match the animals given in column I with their location in column II:
Column I | Column II |
A. Dodo | i. Africa |
B. Quagga | ii. Russia |
C. Thylacine | iii. Mauritius |
D. Stellar's sea cow | iv. Australia |
Choose the correct match from the following:
What could have triggered mass extinctions of species in the past?
Enlist two criteria that are used to identify a region for maximum protection as 'Biodiversity hotspots'.
What is the sustainable use of resources?
Consider the following statements:
- Statement I: Endemism and accelerated habitat loss are characteristics of biodiversity hotspots.
- Statement II: Gene bank is an in-situ method of biodiversity conservation.
Choose the correct answer from the options given below.
Many species like Stellar's Sea cow and passenger pigeon have been driven to the brink of extinction. Which of the following describes this situation?
The IUCN Red Data List (2004) in the last 500 years documents the extinction of nearly 784 species including ______.