
______ may be defined as the measure of the extent of demographic participation in social and political decision-making. - Economics



______ may be defined as the measure of the extent of demographic participation in social and political decision-making.


  • Liberty Indicator

  • Human development index

  • Infant mortality rate

  • None of the above

  • Economic indicator

  • Health indicator

  • Demographic indicator

Fill in the Blanks


Liberty Indicator may be defined as the measure of the extent of demographic participation in social and political decision-making.


The Liberty Indicator is a measure of the extent to which demographics participate in social and political decision-making. In other words, it is an index that measures people's engagement in decision-making. Measures measuring the extent of citizens' constitutional protection rights, as well as the extent of constitutional protection of the judiciary's independence and Rule of Law, are examples of liberty indicators.

Indicators of Human Development
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2023-2024 (March) Board Sample Paper


Mention the various indicators of human development.

Define liberty indicator. 

Fill in the blank

Maternal mortality rate is high in _____________.

Fill in the blank

Proportion of people below poverty line is more in __________.

The government awarded the status of 'navaratnas' to which of the following PSUs? 

The benefits of economic growth have not trickled down to the poor due to which of the following reasons?

China's HDI rank in the world is ______?

Human Development Index measures ______ in an economy.

What are the various indicators of human development?

Give some examples of liberty indicators.

State the importance of 'liberty indicator'.

______ acts as a measure of 'the extent of democratic participation in social and political decision-making.'

On the basis of the given data: 

Some Selected Indicators of Human Development, 2017-2019
Item India China Pakistan
Human Development Index (Value) 0.645 0.761 0.557
Rank (based on HDI) 130 87 154
Life Expectancy at Birth (years) 69.7 76.9 67.3
Mean years of Schooling
(% aged 15 and above)
6.5 8.1 5.2
Gross National Income per capita (PPP US$) 6681 16.057 5005
Percentage of people living Below Poverty Line (National) 21.9* 1.7** 24.3*
Infant Mortality Rate
(per 1000 live births)
29.9 7.4 57.2
Maternal Mortality Rate
(per 1 lakh births)
133 29 140
Population using at least basic Sanitation (%) 60 75 60
Population using at least basic drinking Water Source (%) 93 96 91
Percentage of Undernourished Children 37.9 8.1 37.6
  1. Identify one income indicator and one health indicator, each.
  2. Compare India and China on the basis of any one of the indicator identified above in part (i)



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