Who was the UN SECRETARIES-GENERAL between 1953-1961?
Trygve Lie
U Thant
Dag Hammarskjold
Kurt Waldheim
Dag Hammarskjold
Trygve Lie(1946-1952) Norway; Lawyer and foreign minister; worked for a Kashmir ceasefire between India and Pakistan; criticized for failing to end the Korean War quickly; the Soviet Union opposed his second term; resigned from the post.
Dag Hammarskjold(1953-1961) Sweden; Economist and lawyer; worked to resolve the Suez Canal dispute and decolonize Africa; posthumously awarded the Nobel Peace Prize in 1961 for his efforts to resolve the Congo crisis; the Soviet Union and France criticized his role in Africa.
U Thant(1961-1971) Burma (Myanmar); Teacher and diplomat; worked to end the Congo Crisis and the Cuban Missile Crisis; established the United Nations Peacekeeping Force in Cyprus; criticized the United States during the Vietnam War.
Kurt Waldheim (1972-1981) Austria; Diplomat and foreign minister; worked to resolve Namibia and Lebanon's problems; oversaw the Bangladesh relief operation; China blocked his bid for a third term.