
While I was thinking of all this, I heard my name called. It was my turn to recite. What happened to the author when he stuck up on the first words while reciting? -



While I was thinking of all this, I heard my name called. It was my turn to recite. What would I not have given to be able to say that dreadful rule for the participle all through, very loud and clear, and without one mistake? But I got mixed up on the first words and stood there, holding on to my desk, my heart beating, and not daring to look up. I heard M. Hamel say to me, "I won't scold you, little Franz; you must feel bad enough. See how it is! Every day we have said to ourselves, 'Bah! I've plenty of time. I'll leam it tomorrow.' And now you see where we've come out. Ah, that's the great trouble with Alsace; she puts off learning till tomorrow. Now those fellows out there will have the right to say to you, 'How is it: you pretend to be Frenchmen, and yet you can neither speak nor write your own language?' But you are not the worst, poor little Franz. We've all a great deal to reproach ourselves with."

What happened to the author when he stuck up on the first words while reciting?


  • He felt ashamed.

  • He was very much scared.

  • His heart began to beat.

  • He was reluctantly obsessed.



His heart began to beat.

Reading Comprehension (Entrance Exam)
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