
Which of the following examples show that the external powers influencing bilateral relations in SouthAsia? China and the US remain key players in South Asian politics. -



Which of the following examples show that the external powers influencing bilateral relations in South Asia?

  1. China and the US remain key players in South Asian politics.
  2. Sino-Indian relations have improved significantly in the last ten years, but China's strategic partnership with Pakistan remains a major irritant.
  3. The demands of development and globalization have brought the two Asian giants closer and their economic ties have multiplied rapidly since 1991.
  4. The US enjoys good relations with both India and Pakistan and works as a moderator in Indo-Pak relations.


  • i, ii, iii, iv

  • ii, iii, iv

  • i, iii, iv

  • iii, iv



i, ii, iii, iv


Because no region exists in isolation, external powers have an impact on bilateral relations in South Asia. It is influenced by outside powers and events, regardless of how hard it tries to isolate itself from non-regional powers:

  1. China and the United States continue to be major players in South Asian politics.
  2. Although Sino-Indian relations have improved significantly in the last decade, China's strategic partnership with Pakistan remains a major source of friction.
  3. The demands of development and globalization have drawn the two Asian behemoths closer together, and their economic ties have grown rapidly since 1991.
  4. The United States has positive relations with both India and Pakistan and serves as a mediator in Indo-Pak relations.
  5. Both countries' economic reforms and liberal economic policies have increased the depth of American participation.
  6. The large South Asian economy remains in the United States, and the region's massive population and markets give America a greater stake in the region's future security and peace.
Peace and Cooperation
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