
Thus agreed, together they lifted the man. Read the line: 'Hana went to the wall cupboards and slid back a door and took out a soft quilt.' - What was the quilt covered with? -



Thus agreed, together they lifted the man. He was very light, like a fowl that had been half-starved for a long time until it is only feathers and skeleton. So, his arms hanging, they carried him up the steps and into the side door of the house. This door opened into a passage, and down the passage, they carried the man towards an empty bedroom. It had been the bedroom of Sadao's father, and since his death, it had not been used. They laid the man on the deeply matted floor. Everything here had been Japanese to please the old man, who would never in his own home sit on a chair or sleep in a foreign bed. Hana went to the wall cupboards and slid back a door and took out a soft quilt. She hesitated. The quilt was covered with flowered silk and the lining was pure white silk.

Read the line: 'Hana went to the wall cupboards and slid back a door and took out a soft quilt.' - What was the quilt covered with?


  • Silk and lining with pure white.

  • Silk with flower lining and silk.

  • Flowered silk and the lining was pure white silk.

  • White silk lining with flowered silk.



Flowered silk and the lining was pure white silk.

Reading Comprehension (Entrance Exam)
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