
Pick out the option(s) that correctly state the reason for reduction in the population of the tigers? -



(1) Royal Bengal Tiger is the largest, fiercest, and powerful member of the Big Cat family in India. Royal Bengal Tigers, also known as Indian Tiger and Bengal Tiger, constitute a large population of tiger family in the world. It is the National animal of India and is found mostly in India, China, Bhutan, Bangladesh, and Burma.
(2) The biological name of this Big Cat is Panthera Tigris, which comes under the Felidae family under Mammalia category.
(3) No two Bengal tigers look alike! Every Bengal Tigers has a unique stripe pattern. Their colour ranges from yellow to light orange, with stripes from dark brown to black. Some of the Bengal Tigers are white in colour. The tail is orange in colour with black rings. Unlike the other White Tigers that have blue eyes, Bengal Tigers have yellow irises. They live for 10 to 15 years.
(4) Being fierce in nature, Royal Bengal Tigers are not much friendly in nature and live a solitary life, except in winters when they can be seen in a group of 3 or 4. Bengal tigers are fast runners and good swimmers. Tigers attack their prey in a stealth mode. They are usually spotted in swamps, mangroves, and grasslands.
(5) Royal Bengal Tigers have very sharp memory; they never forget the faces. Their memory is sharper than humans and other animals.
(6) We can find the largest population of Royal Bengal Tigers in India. As per the latest tiger census report 2017, there are 3,786 Royal Bengal Tigers in India. India has more than 75% of the total tiger population in the world. Along with India, neighbouring countries to India holds a somewhat decent population of Royal Bengal Tiger in the world. The latest census of the tigers in India and neighbouring countries are shown in the table.
S. No. Name of country Minimum Maximum
1. Bangladesh 300 460
2. Bhutan 80 460
3. China 30 35
4. India 2500 3800
5. Nepal 150 250
(7) To know about the latest tiger population is always government's concern, as they want to save this majestic animal from getting extinct. India has lost 97% of its Royal Bengal Tigers population in the last century. The main reason is Hunting, Poaching, Urbanization, Habitat loss and illegal Wildlife Trade. Poaching means to illegally trade tiger made products like tiger skin, tiger-made jewellery, etc. These skin and jewellery are sold for millions in the international market. Poaching has reduced the number of tigers to just 3,800 from 1,00,000 in the starting of the 20th century.

Pick out the option(s) that correctly state the reason for reduction in the population of the tigers?


  • Poaching 

  • Epidemic 

  • Climatic changes 

  • Soil erosion





As per the seventh paragraph, Poaching has reduced the number of tigers to just 3,800 from 1,00,000 at the turn of the century, and can thus be blamed for the decline in tiger populations.

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