
Paharias live in the hills of Rajmahal. The British people began to interact with them and later Santhals began to settle down there. The response of the Paharias was as follows: -



Paharias live in the hills of Rajmahal. The British people began to interact with them and later Santhals began to settle down there. The response of the Paharias was as follows:


  • Paharias resisted the settlement of Santhals initially but had to accommodate them in course of time.

  • The Paharias shifted to deeper areas into the hills.

  • They were confined to more barren and rocky areas of the hills in course of time.

  • All the above



All the above


Paharias live in Rajmahal's highlands. People from the United Kingdom began to interact with them, and Santhals began to settle in the area. The Paharias response was as follows:

  1. The Paharias initially opposed the settlement of Santhals but were eventually forced to allow them.
  2. The Paharias relocated to higher ground in the highlands.
  3. Over time, they were relegated to increasingly desolate and stony portions of the highlands.
  4. The paharias practised shifting agriculture. As suitable and stable settlements became more difficult, shifting farming became increasingly problematic.
  5. As the forest began to be removed, the paharias were no longer able to rely on it for their livelihood. As a result of the arrival of outsiders, the Paharias' lifestyle and way of life changed.
The Hoe and the Plough
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