One day while talking to his ministers, the Emperor, on a whim, ordered that the merchants of the city would have to guard the city at night. The merchants were deeply concerned to hear this. How could they, who had been selling goods for years suddenly take up the duty of guarding the city? For hours on end they discussed the matter. At last one of them said. "We have no alternative but to obey the Emperor's orders. Let us go to the old commander who lives near the palace and ask him to guide us how to fulfill this task." His idea was met with approval by the other merchants and they proceeded to the commander's house. Upon hearing the merchants' dilemma he said, "Relax. There is no need to worry. Do as I tell you". The merchants agreed. |
What action did the Emperor take against the merchants?
He rewarded them handsomely.
He praised them for their business skills.
He criticised their inability to defend their kingdom.
He appreciated their honesty and cleverness.
He appreciated their honesty and cleverness.