Months passed. Shukla was sitting on his haunches at the appointed spot in Calcutta when Gandhi arrived; he waited till Gandhi was free. Then the two of them boarded a train for the city of Patna in Bihar. There Shukla led him to the house of a lawyer named Rajendra Prasad who later became President of the Congress party and of India. Rajendra Prasad was out of town, but the servants knew Shukla as a poor yeoman who pestered their master to help the indigo sharecroppers. So they let him stay on the grounds with his companion, Gandhi, whom they took to be another peasant. But Gandhi was not permitted to draw water from the well lest some drops from his bucket pollute the entire source; how did they know that he was not an untouchable? |
What was Gandhi not permitted by the servants?
To sit on the chair.
To stay on the ground.
To draw water from the well.
To come inside the house along with Shukla.
To draw water from the well.
'But Gandhi was not permitted to draw water from the well for fear that some drops from his bucket would taint the entire source,' says the passage.
Reading Comprehension (Entrance Exam)
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