Land reforms comprise of the following steps:-
Abolishing Intermediaries
Regulation of Rent
Consolidation of Holdings
All of the above
All of the above
Land reforms were essential to address the aforementioned issues in Indian agriculture. The following are the steps involved in land reform:
- Abolishing Intermediaries:
The elimination of intermediaries such as Zamindars, Jagirdars, and others was a major goal of land reforms. There were numerous initiatives taken to make the tillers the landowners. - Regulation of Rent:
Exorbitant rents were used to exploit the growers. The maximum rent specified in the first five-year plan was one-fourth or one-fifth of total farm produce (except in Punjab and Haryana, where it was `1/3`). The rent laws not only alleviated the burden on tenants but also provided them with more funds to invest in their farms. - Consolidation of Holdings:
Because the land holdings were small and dispersed, it was critical to consolidate them in order to apply modern and advanced technologies. Farmers were given consolidated holdings that were equal to the total amount of land in their different scattered plots. They were able to reap the benefits of large-scale production as a result of this.
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