
He was a funny-looking man with a high. bald, dome-shaped head, a face very small in comparison and a long wavy beard.Which of the following BEST DESCRIBES Socrates? -



       He was a funny-looking man with a high. bald, dome-shaped head, a face very small in comparison and a long wavy beard. His unusual features were a standing joke among his friends. He was a poor man- an idler. He didn't work at his trade-a stonecutter, more than what was necessary to keep his wife and three boys alive. He preferred to talk but since his wife was an irate complaining woman; he loved to be away from home.
      The whole city he lived in was seething with argumentation. The city was Athens and the man was Socrates — the Greek philosopher. He had funny ways and notions. And to the astonishment of all, the Oracle at Delphi, the priestess when asked, “Who is the wisest man in Athens?” mentioned Socrates. Socrates was the evangelist of clear thinking: he would present people with questions pretending he didn't know the answers and get them to make astounding admissions. Socrates would go upto a prominent statesman coming to the end of a speech on “courage”, about the glory of dying for one's country and say, “Forgive my intrusion, but just what do you mean by courage?”
     “Courage is sticking to your post in danger” would be the reply. “But supposing good strategy demands that you retire?”, Socrates would ask. “You wouldn't stay in that case” the man would be forced to admit. Socrates would persist, “Then is courage sticking to your post or retiring?”. “, I’m afraid I don't know.” I don't either”. Socrates would say “but perhaps it is not different from just doing the reasonable thing regardless of the danger.”

Which of the following BEST DESCRIBES Socrates?


  • He loved to argue with his wife.

  • He was a handsome man.

  • He was not the wisest man.

  • None of these.



None of these.

Reading Comprehension (Entrance Exam)
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