Climate change is one of the most hotly contested environmental debates of our time. Will the West Antarctic ice sheet melt entirely? Will the Gulf Stream ocean current be disrupted? Will it be the end of the world as we know it? Maybe. Maybe not. Either way, Antarctica is a crucial element in this debate — not just because it's the only place in the world, which has never sustained a human population and therefore remains relatively 'pristine' in this respect; but more importantly, because it holds in its ice-cores half-million-year-old carbon record strapped in its layers of ice. If we want to study and examine the Earth's past, present and future, Antarctica is the place to go. |
What is the most important point in the context of the debate on Antarctica?
West Antarctica ice sheets will melt away.
Gulf Stream ocean current will be affected.
The world will meet with its end.
Its ice cores hold the half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its ice layers.
Its ice cores hold the half-million-year-old carbon records trapped in its ice layers.
Despite the fact that the discussion is centred on all of these issues, the most crucial is that its ice cores have half-million-year-old carbon records locked in its layers of ice.
Reading Comprehension (Entrance Exam)
Is there an error in this question or solution?