Assertion (A): A new partner can be admitted into a partnership firm with the consent of all the existing partners.
Reason (R): According to Section 31 of the Indian Partnership Act, 1932, a new partner shall not be introduced into a firm without the consent of all the existing partners, unless it is agreed otherwise by the partners in the partnership deed.
Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, but Reason (R) is not the correct explanation of Assertion (A).
Assertion (A) is true, but Reason (R) is false.
Assertion (A) is false, but Reason (R) is true.
Both Assertion (A) and Reason (R) are true, and Reason (R) is the correct explanation of Assertion (A).