
Agriculture provides livelihood to almost three - a fourth of the population of India. What has caused the increase in the supply of food grains? -



Read the following passage and answer the question that follows:

Agriculture provides livelihood to almost three - a fourth of the population of India. Indian agriculture is highly dependent on the spatial and temporal distribution of rainfall. Climate extremes such as drought and flood affect agriculture severely. An account of the impact of climate extreme viz. drought and flood, on Indian food-grain production, has been presented in this chapter. There are temporal fluctuations in food grain production and the area under the food grain. In secular terms, both of them increased up to the mid-eighties. After the mid-eighties, there is a decline in the area of food grain while maintaining an increase in production of food grain suggesting the improvement in agricultural technology and policy. There is more temporal fluctuation in the production of food grain than the area under food grain. The analysis reveals that the impact of drought on Indian agriculture is more than that of the flood. Rabi food grain production depicts better adaptability to drought than Kharif food grain production mostly due to better access to irrigation infrastructure. Among the various food, crops analyzed all except jowar can effectively face flood events. Wheat and jowar perform relatively better during drought events. Rice is the most sensitive crop to extreme climate events. Since rice is the staple food in the sub-continent, management of rice production against climate extremes needs special attention for food security and sustainability.

What has caused the increase in the supply of food grains?


  • Improvement in technology

  • Increase in production

  • Better agricultural policy

  • All of the above



All of the above


The increase in food grain supply can be attributed to a variety of factors such as technological advancements, lower factor input prices, increased production, and favorable agricultural policies, among others.

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