A type of asexual reproduction in which the body of an organism breaks into parts and thereafter each part regenerates the remaining part of the body and new organisms are formed is known as regeneration.
One of the following does not reproduce by spore formation method. This is :
(a) Rhizopus fungus
(b) Penicillium fungus
(c) Yeast fungus
(d) Mucor fungus
Observe the following picture and describe the type of reproduction shown in.
Short answer question.
Write a note on budding in Hydra.
Short answer question.
Explain the different methods of reproduction occurring in sponges.
Amoeba : fission : : Hydra : ____________
Write the name of the type of reproduction in the following figure.
Fission is a way of ______ reproduction
Mention the different types of asexual reproduction.
Explain the methods of asexual reproduction.
______ organisms without back bone.
______ is one of the asexual method of reproduction.
______ is the breaking of an individual into parts followed by regeneration.
Animals exhibiting external fertilisation produce a large number of gametes. Pick the appropriate reason from the following.
Reproduction by budding takes place in
Which of the following pairs is not correctly matched?
Mode of reproduction. Example
Gemmule formation in sponges is useful in ______